Wohnzimmer Records
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Destroyed But Not Defeated

Destroyed But Not Defeated

Das mittlerweile dritte Album ist ein großer musikalischer Schritt vorwärts für das Trio. Mit einer großen, illustren Mischung an Gastmusikern aus der Wiener Musikszene unter Produzent Ex-Kreisky Gregor Tischberger entstand eine vielschichtige, abwechslungsreiche Platte. Hinter dem wechselnden Leadgesang von Lelo Brossmann & Markus Reiter sind nun mal Streicher, mal Keyboards zwischen den obligatorischen Gitarrenwänden zu hören. Dann wieder der Backgroundgesang der schweiz/österreichischen Sängerin Eloui – oder Ex-Sofa Surfer Wolfgang „iWolf“ Schlögl am Akkordeon.



Video: The Night

Video: Never Afraid

Video: The Art Of Losing

Video: My Waterloo

Video: Acedia

Video: Wonderful Day

Video: Lost In Translation

Video: The Malaise Song

Deluxe Redux

Deluxe Redux CD / Vinyl-LP, 2019
1 Never Afraid
2 The Marks Meet Nick In Jackson
3 Disarm Me
4 Dawn Of Glitter
5 Led Zeppelin
6 The Wrong Turn
7 Gotta Grow
8 Just A Song
9 Sky Is Beating
10 Four Days In The Sun
11 Cats Are Company
12 Hymn For The Clueless
13 The Night

The World Is Changing And So Must We

The World Is Changing And So Must We CD-EP / Vinyl-EP, 2016
1 The Art of Losing
2 My Waterloo
3 Friday Night
4 Piss-Bottle Man
5 Colombian Sweet Note
6 Do As You Please
7 Seeking Heart Violence

Now For The Encore

Now For The Encore CD, 2015
1 Now For The Encore
2 Hyst
3 1995
4 Wonderful Day
5 You Or Me
6 It's Over
7 2600
8 Holding It All Together
9 Only Bodily Harm
10 Acedia
11 When The Morning Comes
12 Soft Skull
13 Land Of Mountains

The Sloop John EP

The Sloop John EP Vinyl-EP, 2013
1 Sloop John B
2 Cope With Me
3 Michael Landon
4 The Perfect Rhyme

Destroyed But Not Defeated

Destroyed But Not Defeated CD / Vinyl-LP, 2012
1 The Malaise Song
2 I Can't Trust Anything
3 Lost in Translation
4 Two-Tone Gloves
5 Profile Photo
6 Zephyr
7 Sfikas
8 Endless Summer
9 Glutton For Punishment
10 To Move
11 And Then We Close Our Eyes
12 Gone